The value of fossil-free water.

As summer approaches in the northern hemisphere, various countries are preparing themselves for droughts due to a lack of rain. With access to water as a human right, how can we value this essential resource?

Past months, we have been active in the transition to independence and reliability. Please enjoy this brief update with exciting developments.

Efficient Solution Label received!

We are proud to announce that our desalination technology has been selected as Efficient Solution, confirming that profitability can go hand-in-hand with protecting the environment. This Label assesses the economic profitability of solutions protecting the environment. The solutions are assessed by independent experts for their technological feasibility, environmental and socio-economic benefits, and economic profitability.
Get access to fossil-free water yourself

Always wondered how we use so little energy?

The heart of our awarded desalination technology lies in the principle of energy recovery, which allows us to use much less energy. Better yet, it’s totally maintenance-free. Find out how it works in less than 1 minute:

Learn more in our Brochure

Several projects being executed globally.

A remote community in Madagascar, a private island resort on the British Virgin Islands and a village project in Mozambique, what do they all have in common? Before the end of the summer, they will all have access to a reliable supply of safe water at lower expenses.

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Shaping a sustainable future for water.

Singularity University.

Our CEO was invited to give a keynote speech on the subject of The Future of Water for the Executive Program of SU NL. The event provided a great opportunity to highlight the importance of fossil-free water for numerous executives.

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Team expansion: Gianmarco.

Gianmarco Ferrari is our newest Spanish speaking team member with a background from Venezuela and a strong drive for a more sustainable and equitable world.

Discuss Spanish projects

Selected for GES.

Elemental Water Makers has been selected as scale-up to solve water scarcity for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit.

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Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.

Meanwhile, we have several other exciting developments going on. Stay tuned!.

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