Clean water from abundant resources.

A self-sufficient future to get access to clean water has arrived. A water supply that doesn’t compromise current or future generations. The certainty of independence while enjoying big savings on water expenses. This is the win-win-win of solar desalination.

Read about the impact of a solar-powered reverse osmosis system in The Philippines, learn on a common pitfall of desalination and find our vacancy to join us in solving fresh water scarcity, using only the sea, sun, earth & wind.

Controlling costs, quality, access & impact.

‘’There are four major issues in the provision of potable drinking water in SE-Asia: water cost, quality, access, and environmental impact. Working with the technology of Elemental Water Makers we are able to invest locally into decentralized water production solutions that overcome each of these challenges. Starting in the Philippines, we now enjoy affordable high-quality water that has been produced using a sustainable method, in line with our vision.’’ John Jadczak | Managing Partner, NXTLVL Water

Show me a financial analysis of solar-powered desalination

Desalination’s pitfalls: Water Intake

The key to move from water scarcity to abundance lies into the sea. This makes seawater access crucial for the success of a desalination project. We can help you to determine the best water intake for your situation, for example using a beachwell, existing dock or an open ocean intake. Having a proper water intake avoids expenses for the pre-treatment and during operation.

Let us assist you with your project today

Shaping the future of desalination.

Financing for impact.

With pleasure and pride, we announce the closure of an investment for the next phase of our company. Our new shareholder is Hans van Tricht, an experienced international CFO and entrepreneur with a background in water.

We are hiring: Business Developer.

We need help to make a positive, sustainable impact on the availability of fresh water. We are looking for an experienced business developer to grow our impact.

Check out the vacancy.


Our story was selected to be featured on Connect4Climate, an initiative of the World Bank Group to connect the world to solve climate change together.

Read the full story.

Up next: Two Projects.

The coming month we will be commissioning two desalination projects at different Small Island Developing States to ensure a sustainable access to fresh water. Cheers to that!

Is your project next to benefit from unlimited resources?

Work with us.

Benefit from unlimited resources.