Getting access to a Reliable supply of Affordable clean Water.
Among the issues that can limit Chile’s development, scarcity of fresh water is identified as an outstanding problem. In a country that bases its economic growth in the exploitation of natural resources, water is much required in tourism, agriculture, mining and hydro-power, as well as for human consumption. Chile’s drought is not showing any signs of ending. The country has experienced the driest decade in recorded history.
Fortunately, the long coastline of Chile offers access to both plentiful seawater and sunshine. To avoid having to transport expensive and low-quality water, efficient desalination provides an excellent solution to ensure fresh water for the years to come.
Together with our Chilean partner Potable, we enable savings of 75% on the water expenses, allowing a short payback. The Elemental© Desalination Technology allows to become independent and ensures high quality and constant availability of the produced water.
Private Property using efficient desalination.
‘’We are excited to enable clean water from the sea that tastes good and has low production cost. After an extensive review of the different technologies available on the market, we decided to work with Elemental due to their efficient and easy to use desalination technology. Their flexible mindset allows us to develop different projects to improve the clean water supply in Chile.’’